A downloadable project


Hola a todo el mundo, en la siguiente lista encontrarás nombres, fechas y links que corresponden a trabajos previos que he realizado como programador de videojuegos, desde la más actual a la más antigua. Además, también incluiré información sobre el proyecto actual en el que estoy trabajando.

Espero que esta información te resulte interesante y te brinde una idea de mi experiencia y habilidades en el desarrollo de videojuegos y puedas conocerme un poco más ¡Vamos allá!


Hello everyone, in the following list you will find names, dates and links  that correspond to previous works that I have done as a video game programmer, from the most current to the oldest. In addition, I will also include information about the current project I am working on.

I hope this information is interesting for you and it gives you an idea of my experience and skills in video game development and you can get to know me a little better. Let's go!

Linkeding: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-cirac-antio/

////// Working Actually //////////////////////////////

Title: ?/ Casino/Battle - NoteBug studio
Platform:  PC/ Unity
Worket:  March. 2024  Actually



Title:  Japaro Camp/ Estrategia- Cero Try Game
Platform:  PC/ Unity
Worket:  Jun. 2022 - jun.2024 - 2 year
Link: Not link (Delete Proyect )

Title:  Basic/Pro system dialogue& language - Own Project
Platform: PC/ Unity Store/ Unity
Worket:   Jun. 2022  - Sept.  2023
Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/alexanderca/pro-dialogue-and-language-syste...

Title:  Mannaz - Magike Nosce Studio 
Platform: PC/ Steam/ Unity
Worket:  Sept.  2021 - Jan - 2023 -  1 year 5 month
Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1695450/Mannaz/

Title: Lens World: Slides Adventure - Cero Try Game
Platform:  Android/  Play Store/ Unity
Worket:  Jun. 2022 - Aug.  2022 - 2 month
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.CeroTryGames.LensWorldSlidesAd...

or  https://www.youtube.com/@cerotrygames

Title: Basic/Pro Menu System - Own Project
Platform:  PC / Unity Store / Unity
Worket: Jun. 2021 - jul. 2022 · 1 year 7 month
Link: https://alexandercirac.itch.io/basic-pro-menu-system

Title: CV-Web - Own Project
Platform:  WeBGL/ Itchio / Unity
Worket: Dec. 2021 -Mar. 2022· 3  month
Link: https://alexandercirac.itch.io/web-alexander

Title:  Space-less  Odyssey  - Zia Babs
Platform: PC/ Itchio/ UE4
Worket: Sep. 2021 · 1 Week
Link: https://ziababs.itch.io/space-less-odyssey

Title: First Steps - Own Project
Platform:  PC/ Itchio / UE4
Worket: Nov. 2020 -Jan. 2021· 3  month
Link: https://alexandercirac.itch.io/primeros-pasos

Title:  Ricky did nothing wrong - Own Project
Platform: PC / Steam / Unity
Worket: may. 2020- Nov. 2020 · 7 month
Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1477900/Ricky_did_nothing_wrong/

Title: Al, el aprendiz - Own Project
Platform: Android / Play Store / Unity
Worket: Nov. 2019 - jul. 2020 · 9 month
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexandergames.alelaprendiz&hl...

Title: Cadete Thorn - Own Project
Platform: Android / Play Store / Unity
Worket: Aug. 2019 - Dec. 2019 · 5 month
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=alexander.cadetethorn&hl=en_US&gl=...