A downloadable project


¡Hola a todos! En la siguiente lista podrán encontrar información acerca de mi experiencia profesional como programador de videojuegos. En ella encontrarán detalles sobre las empresas en las que he trabajado, los jams y colaboraciones en los que he participado, así como las fechas en las que he estado activo en el sector. Estas experiencias me han permitido adquirir un amplio conocimiento y habilidades en la creación de juegos y también podrán conocer acerca del proyecto en el que me encuentro actualmente trabajando.. Espero que esta información sea de interés para aquellos que buscan conocer más acerca de mi trayectoria en este apasionante campo profesional. ¡Espero que disfruten de la lectura!


Hello everyone! In the following list you will find information about my professional experience as a video game programmer. In it you will find details about the companies in which I have worked, the jams and collaborations in which I have participated, as well as the dates in which I have been active in the sector. These experiences have allowed me to acquire a wide knowledge and skills in game creation and you will also be able to learn about the project I am currently working on.. I hope this information is of interest to those seeking to learn more about my career in this exciting professional field. I hope you enjoy reading! 

Linkeding: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-cirac-antio/

////// Working Actually //////////////////////////////

Name of the company : NoteBug Studio
Date : March. 2024 - Actually
Projects : Unity - ???? (Android/IOS )
Professional position:  collaborator as mid programming
Link:  https://notbug.cl/ or https://www.linkedin.com/company/notbug-studios/



Name of the company :  Cero Try Game
Date : Jun. 2022 - Jun 2024 - 2 Year
Projects : Unity - Lens World: Slides Adventure (Android )/  Unity - Japaro Camp Strategy(PC)
Professional position:  collaborator as mid programming
Link:  https://cerotrygames.com/

Name of the company :  Magike Nosce Studio
Date : Sept.  2021 - Jan - 2023 -  1 year 5 month
Projects : Unity - Mannaz
Professional position:  collaborator as mid programming
Link:  https://store.steampowered.com/app/1695450/Mannaz/?l=latam

Name of the company :  Team Panda
Date : Sept. 2022 - Feb. 2023 · 6 month
Projects : Unity - Azra
Professional position:  collaborator as mid programming
Link:  https://www.teampandastudio.com/about-us/

Name of the company :  Amazing Up
Date : Mar. 2022 - Jul. 2022 · 5 month
Projects : gamefied projects for the tourism sector
Professional position:  Junior
Link:  https://www.amazing-up.es/

Name of the company :  Gonna Play Studio
Date : Mar. 2022 - Apr. 2022 · 2 month
Projects : small mobile project
Professional position: practices
Link:  https://twitter.com/gonnaplaystudio

Name of the company : Mechanical Boss
Date : May. 2018 - Dec. 2018 · 8 month
Projects : Practice
Professional position: school practices
Link:  https://twitter.com/MechanicalBoss

Updated 4 days ago